This was directed by David Lynch, so I thought it might be some weird shit involving Duran Duran, which seemed interesting. Turns out it is just a straight concert film, with different visuals being faded halfway in at some point. "Look, it's a wolf" during "Hungry Like A Wolf". Other random garbage that was too stupid to be weird.
I saw both The Fixx and Howard Jones in the 90s. Two bands/artists that I remember liking, but was surprised at just how many good songs they had. This was the opposite. I thought Duran Duran had a bunch of good songs, but most of these were pretty nondescript. Maybe it's because they keep putting out new stuff. My wife, from the other room, said "who is this band trying to sound like Duran Duran?" They had a swoopy-haried mid-00s emo dude help sing one song.
This was recut in 2014. Not sure what the differences are or which version I watched.