I saw The Gits in 91 and they didn't leave too much of an impression on me. Watching this doc made me realize just how great Mia Zapata's voice was, though. Although this movie spreads lots of love over the band, the band, at this point in time is overshadowed by Mia's rape and murder. One of those truly tragic things things that are in one sense random, but also a result of our fucked up patriarchy. I think it was Selene from 7 Year Bitch that was talking about how the cops were interviewing all the guys that were around the scene and taking DNA samples. Some of them would talk about it with her, and she would think with every one that it could be the killer sitting across from her.
The interviews were pretty heartbreaking. The band and the other bands that shared a house and a little sub-scene in Seattle seemed really close. And Stefanie from 7 Year Bitch had just OD'd. Mia's dad seems like a rad dude. He told a story about going into a record store with Mia when the first Gits CD came out and pulling it out and loudly talking about it and how embarrassed she was. It was hard to watch him talk about the murder and how touched he was the love shown from the community.
Definitely worth checking out. There's a big jump in technical quality after this was shot, when people started shooting in HD, but who cares. This one was great.